
Carbohydrate are produced by linking together monosaccharide monomers to build disaccharide and polysaccharide polymers using a glycosidic bond.

This is a condensation reaction (H2O released)

Forms of Monosaccharides

Common Carbohydrates

Form of CarbohydrateExamplesUse in PlantsUses in Animals
MonosaccharideFructose Glucose GalactoseFructose is a component of fruits making them taste sweet and attracting animals to eat them, thereby dispersing the seeds insideGlucose is the source of energy for cell respiration – it is obtained from the digestion of carbohydrate foods
DisaccharideSucrose Lactose MaltoseSucrose is transported from leaves to storage tissues and other parts of the plant to provide an energy sourceLactose is found in milk and provides energy for young mammals
PolysaccharideCellulose Starch GlycogenCellulose is a structural component of plant cell walls Starch is used a food storeGlycogen is the storage carbohydrate of animals, found in the liver and muscles