Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are the four most common elements found in living organisms. (CHON)

Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are found in all the key organic molecules: proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids. Proteins and nucleic acids also contain nitrogen.

Any compound that does not contain carbon is said to be inorganic. A variety of inorganic substances are found in living things and are vital to both the structure and functioning of different organisms.

Important roles of inorganic molecules

ElementExample of Role in PlantsExample of Role in Animals
Calcium (Ca)Co-factor in some enzyme reactions.Important constituent of bones, needed for muscle contraction.
Iron (Fe)A component of cytochrome pigments.A component of hemoglobin and cytochrome pigments.
Phosphorus (P)A component of ATP and DNA.A component of ATP and DNA.
Sodium (Na)Important in membranes, changes solute concentration and affects osmosis.Important in membranes, changes solute concentration and affects osmosis, also important in transmission of nerve impulses.
Sulphur (S)A component of amino acids.A component of amino acids, needed to make some antibodies.
Elements found in living organisms

All organic molecules contain two or more atoms of carbon. Carbon atoms easily bond to each other and can form four single covalent bonds, or a fewer combination of single and double bonds with other atoms, allowing a diversity of stable compounds to exist.


Life is based on carbon compounds, that seem complex, but are all just made from smaller divisions (monomers), that then link together to form polymers.

Macromolecule (Polymer)Smallest Unit (Monomer)Elements
CarbohydrateMonosaccharidesCarbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
LipidsFatty Acids and GlycerolCarbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
ProteinsAmino acidsCarbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Other elements are also often present, for example sulphur and phosphorus
Nucleic acids(DNA & RNA)NucleotidesCarbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Condensation and Hydrolysis

Parts of Metabolism. thus enzyme-catalyzed. Condensation is an anabolic reaction. During condensation an H2O molecule is released and two monomers are joined with a strong covalent bond. Reversely, during Hydrolysis, a catabolic reaction, H2O molecule is split and replaced into two monomers, broken down from a polymer. Hydrolysis takes place during digestion.

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MacromoleculeBonds between monomers
Natural Polymers

Carbohydrate are produced by linking together monosaccharide monomers to build disaccharide and polysaccharide polymers using a glycosidic bond.

This is a condensation reaction (H2O released)

Forms of Monosaccharides

Common Carbohydrates

Form of CarbohydrateExamplesUse in PlantsUses in Animals
MonosaccharideFructose Glucose GalactoseFructose is a component of fruits making them taste sweet and attracting animals to eat them, thereby dispersing the seeds insideGlucose is the source of energy for cell respiration – it is obtained from the digestion of carbohydrate foods
DisaccharideSucrose Lactose MaltoseSucrose is transported from leaves to storage tissues and other parts of the plant to provide an energy sourceLactose is found in milk and provides energy for young mammals
PolysaccharideCellulose Starch GlycogenCellulose is a structural component of plant cell walls Starch is used a food storeGlycogen is the storage carbohydrate of animals, found in the liver and muscles
More easily digested than lipids so the energy stored by them can be released more rapidlyContain more energy per gram than carbohydrates so stores of lipids are lighter than stores of carbohydrates that contain the same amount of energy
Soluble in water so are easier to transport to and from the storeInsoluble in water, so they do not cause problems with osmosis in cells
Using carbohydrates and lipids in energy storage

Amino Acids

Amino Acid.png

The smallest units(monomers) of a protein, feature an amino and carboxyl group, connected by R-C-H. "R" is a variable that can be different atoms.


A polypeptide is the primary structure of a protein. The sequence of the amino acids within a polypeptide is determined by genetic code.

Polypeptides are polymers built of amino acid monomers during a condensation reaction. The amino group, (NH2) of one amino acids, and the carboxyl group (COOH) of another form a peptide bond, forming a dipeptide. This can continue to from a string of amino acids, called a polypeptide.

Building a protein

A polypeptide becomes a protein when it folds and connects to itself, or to other polypeptides.

Primary structure
Amino acids form a sequence, known as a polypeptide.

Secondary structure (Now a protein)
The polypeptide beings to coil up and bond with itself through hydrogen bonds.

Tertiary (3rd Level) Structure
Secondary structures fold over once more and Ionic bonds and disulfide bridges form.

Quaternary (4th Level) Structure
Quaternary structures are composed of two or more linked polypeptides.

Functions of proteins

The function of a protein is determined by the shape of its molecule. Proteins are divided into two main types: globular and fibrous proteins.

RubiscoAn enzyme involved in carbon fixation in photosynthesis.
InsulinA hormone produced by the pancreas which stimulates the liver to take up glucose from the blood and store it as glycogen.
ImmunoglobulinA large protein (antibody) produced by the immune system to fight infection.
RhodopsinA protein linked to a pigment found in the photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye.
CollagenA structural protein which builds muscle, tendons, ligaments and the skin of vertebrates.
Spider silkA strong and elastic fibrous protein created by spiders to form their webs.


Denaturation is an irreversible process when a protein loses it's form due to a PH or Temperature outside it's operating range. The primary structure of the protein will usually remain but secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures are usually lost.

For example enzymes, which are tertiary proteins, are easily denatured by extremes of pH or temperature and lose the ability to function as catalysts.


Enzymes are a type of protein that are natural catalysts. Catalysts are molecules that increase the rate of reaction between two other molecules without being altered themselves.

Enzyme function

An enzyme functions by allowing for one of the substrates involved in a reaction to bond with the active site of an enzyme, thus reducing weakening the rest of the substrate's bonds and lowering the activation energy required for the second substrate to react with the first.

Enzyme - Substrate specificity

Different enzymes can only bond with to different, specific sets of substrates, this is known as enzyme-substrate specificity. The form of an enzyme is such that it can only bond with the substrate. The enzyme can, however, mold around a substrate somewhat. Much like a glove stretches and molds around a hand, so can an enzyme.

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Factors Effecting the Efficiency of Enzymes

Efficiency Of Enzymes Factors.png


As enzymes are proteins, if the pH of it's environment is too low or too high, they will begin to denature, thus losing effectiveness


Similarly to pH, if the temperature in the environment of an enzyme is too high, it will begin to denature. However, low temperatures do not denature the enzyme, only reduce the number and strength of collisions in the substance, and thus the likelihood of a collision with enough kinetic energy to match the activation energy of the reaction.

Substrate concentration

Simply put, a higher substrate concentration means a greater chance there is a substrate in each enzyme, however, given a high enough concentration, all enzymes in the solution will be occupied, thus further increase in concentration would have no effect.

Enzyme Inhibition

Enzyme inhibition refers to when an molecule (inhibitor) interacts with an enzyme in order to stall it's function.

Competitive inhibition

Competitive inhibitors are molecules that have the right form and charge to bond with the active site of an enzyme, however, do not react with the substrate, thus blocking the correct substrate from bonding with the active site. If the substrate concentration increases in the environment of the enzyme however, the inhibitor will be expelled from the active site, and enzyme function will resume as normal.

Non-competitive inhibition

Non-competitive inhibitors work by bonding to another part of the enzyme, not the active site, and altering the enzyme's form by breaking it's bonds, thus stopping it from working. Unlike competitive inhibitors, this process is not reversable.


Fatty acids consist of a long chain of carbon atoms that are joined to hydrogen atoms. If the carbon chain is linked to the maximum number of H atoms with no double bonds it is saturated, because no more H atoms can be added. The length of a fatty acid can vary

Diagram of Saturated Fatty Acid.png

If the chain contains a double bond between two of the carbon atoms it is unsaturated.

A chain with just one double bond is monounsaturated, while one with two or more double bonds is polyunsaturated.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids tend to be liquids at room temperature and are mainly from plant sources, e.g. sunflower oil and olive oil.

Cis and Trans Unsaturated Fatty Acids.png

Unsaturated fatty acids may be either cis or trans configuration. If the spaces where additional hydrogen atoms could bond are both on the same side of the fatty acid it is known as a cis fatty acid and the carbon chain is slightly bent. If the spaces are on opposite sides, it is a trans fatty acid, which has a straight chain.

Health Issue

Trans fatty acids and saturated fatty acids when overconsumed can cause CHD due to it depositing in arteries.

Fatty acids

Key Properties of Lipids

Energy contentLipids contain more energy per gram than carbohydrates, so lipids stores are lighter than carbohydrates storing an equivalent amount of energy.
DensityLipids are less dense than water; so fat stores help large aquatic animals to float.
SolubilityLipids are non-polar, insoluble molecules so they do not affect the movement of water in and out of cells by osmosis
InsulationLipids are also important in providing heat insulation. Fat stored under the skin reduces heat loss and is vital for animals such as seals, polar bears and whales, which live in cold conditions.

Triglycerides (Fats + Oils)

Fats and oils, or triglyceride lipids, are compounds of glycerol and fatty acids, formed by linking 3 or more fatty acids and one glycerol in a condensation reaction. Glycerol has just one structural form but fatty acids have a wide variety of structures, which give the lipids that contain them their different physical and chemical properties.

They are fats if they are solid at room temperature or oils if they are liquid at room temperature. Animals store energy as fat whereas plants store oils, for example, olive oil.

Other lipids

Other types of lipids include steroids, that act as hormones, waxes, that serve as hydrophobic barriers on the upper surface of leaves, and fatty acids that serve as structural components of cell membranes.


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Covalent bonds

Bonds that share the electrons between two atoms.

Ionic bonds

Bonds where electrons are transferred and charge keeps the atoms together.


Metabolism is the sum of all the enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions that occur in a living organism. In anabolic reactions complex organic molecules are build from simpler ones using energy, for example photosynthesis. In catabolic reactions complex organic molecules are broken down with the release of energy, for example cellular respiration.

Metabolism = anabolism + catabolism.

Metabolic Pathways

Metabolism consists of chains and/or cycles of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. These reactions occur in specific sequences and are called metabolic pathways. The specificity of enzymes means that a reaction only occurs in the presence of a specific enzyme.

Metabolic Pathway.png

End-Product Competitive Inhibition

Sometimes, the final product in a metabolic pathway will act as an inhibitor for the first enzyme, meaning that if the concentration of the end product in the pathway's environment increases, the pathway will shut down, until the concentration decreases once more, allowing for homeostasis, and avoiding over-production of the final product.
